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LEADTOOLS Medical Image Processing SDK


LEADTOOLS provides an advanced set of functions that are especially designed for enhancing and analyzing medical images regardless of their format or data distribution. Enhance the image or ighlight the details by shifting, selecting, subtracting and removing the background for better visuals. This flexibility allows doctors and specialists to diagnose diseases and injuries faster and more accurately.

Overview of LEADTOOLS Medical Image Processing SDK Technology

LEADTOOLS Medical Image Processing Functions

The following is a list of some of the functions included in LEADTOOLS to process medical images.

Other LEADTOOLS SDK Technologies Related to Medical Image Processing

LEADTOOLS SDK Products that include Medical Image Processing SDK Technology

Hover over each product for a description. Click for more details.

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging SDK

The LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging SDK includes complete DICOM dataset support as well as medical image viewing functionality. LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging is a full featured raster, document and medical imaging SDK that supports load, save, decompression and compression of over 150 image formats via C DLL, C++ classes, .NET classes, WIC codecs, WF activities and WCF services. Also includes extended grayscale and color support such as 12 and 16 bit grayscale data and 48 and 64 bit color data.


LEADTOOLS PACS Imaging is a full featured PACS, raster, document, medical imaging SDK that includes functions to implement a complete PACS client and server solution as well as medical imaging functionality. LEADTOOLS PACS Imaging SDK supports the load, save, decompression and compression of over 150 image formats via C DLL, C++ classes, .NET classes, WIC codecs, WF activities and WCF services. Also includes extended grayscale and color support such as 12 and 16 bit grayscale data and 48 and 64 bit color data.

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite SDK

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite is a full featured PACS, raster, document, and medical imaging SDK that includes functions to implement a complete PACS client and server solution as well as medical imaging, medical 3D, and multimedia functionality. LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite SDK supports the load, save, decompression and compression of over 150 image formats via C DLL, C++ classes, .NET classes, WIC codecs, WF activities and WCF services. Also includes extended grayscale and color support such as 12 and 16 bit grayscale data and 48 and 64 bit color data.


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LEADTOOLS Sales: 704-332-5532 | sales@leadtools.com | LEADTOOLS Support: 704-372-9681 | support@leadtools.com