Year |
Title |
2011 |
Amelia Brown (Bjork) |
College Decision-Making Process of
Students from Rural Areas in Kentucky |
2011 |
Lisa Eddy (Rous) |
The Effects of Mobility on Student
Achievement |
2011 |
Brenda Voris (Bjork /
Browne-Ferrigno) |
Teacher Efficacy, Job Satisfaction,
and Alternative Certification in Early Career Special Education
Teachers |
2010 |
Dale Winkler (Bjork) |
Teacher Attitudes Toward the
Consequences of Pay for Performance Incentives |
2010 |
Thomas Aberli (Browne-Ferrigno) |
Job Satisfaction and Professional
Growth Experience of Urban School Administrators |
2010 |
Charles Duane Crowe (Björk) |
A Comparison of Student Achievement in Language Arts Between
Heterogeneously Ability-Grouped and Homogeneously Ability-Grouped
Students in the Same High School Setting |
2010 |
Alyce Emerson (Harris/Logan) |
Dropout Prevention: A Study of the Transition Education Program
in the Fayette County Public Schools |
2010 |
Margaret Quintero (Björk/Rous) |
School Climate and Teacher Empowerment in Small Learning
Communities |
2010 |
Rebecca Simms (Hausman/Browne-Ferrigno) |
An Analysis of the Outcomes of Dual Enrollment Participants in
Kentucky Community & Technical Colleges: 2001-02 to 2007-08 |
2009 |
Steven Estep (Björk) |
Teacher Practices in a High Performing, Appalachian Rural High
School |
2009 |
Greg Finkbonner (Björk) |
A Comparison of Student Achievement Between Highly Qualified and
Non-Highly Qualified Teachers in Kentucky |
2009 |
Mary Katherine Griffin-Jenner (Hausman) |
Work-Based Learning: Who's Participating and Why? |
2009 |
Shannon Harr (Björk) |
Predicting Student Persistence Using Developmental Educaton
Courses |
2009 |
Carol Patrick (Hausman) |
A Comparison of Achievement Gains for Full-day and Half-day
Kindergarten Students |
2009 |
Glenda Patton (Björk) |
Exploring the Leadership Styles of Community-Based Early
Childhood Education Program Director |
2009 |
Jennifer Robinson (Björk) |
Teacher Leadership and School Reform: A case Study of the
Accelerating Student Achievement Project in a Central Kentucky
School District |
2009 |
Antonio Shelton (Rous) |
Accessing the Superintendency: Identifying the Assets of an
African American, Female Superintendent |
2009 |
Lisa S. Allen (Hausman) |
Differentiating Professional Development for Teachers: How
Teachers Develop and Implement Professional Growth Plans |
2009 |
Kathlyn Burkhardt (Hausman) |
The Effect of Out-of-School Suspension on the Academic
Achievement of Secondary Students |
2009 |
Carmen Coleman (Hausman/Björk) |
Principal Attitudes Toward Pay for Performance Incentives for
Teachers |
2009 |
Anthony Donkor (Björk) |
Parental Involvement in Education in Ghana: The Case of the Hope
International School |
2009 |
Amy Galloway (Hausman) |
Teacher Attitudes Regarding What should be Included in a
Performance Pay Model by Teacher and School Background |
2009 |
Robert Hall (Hausman) |
Parental Choice of Nondenominational Christian Education:
Reasons for Choice, Exit, and the Types and Sources of Information
Used |
2009 |
Francis O'Hara (Logan/Hausman) |
Kentucky's Response to the Vocational Education Act of 1963:
Leadership for the Development of a Unique System of Secondary Area
Technology Centers |
2009 |
Johnathan K Rogers (Hausman) |
The Relationship Between School Culture and Student Academic
Achievement |
2009 |
Mike Sander (Hausman) |
CATS as a Predictor of Student Success in Post-Secondary
Education |
2009 |
Anna Marie Tracy (Hausman) |
Analysis of ESL Teacher Endorsement Effects on English
Language Learners' Student Achievement and English Language
Acquisition |
2009 |
Sheli L Wilson (Hausman) |
The Effects of the Emotional Intelligence of Elementary School
Principals on Student Achievement |
2008 |
Laura Michelle Blake (Hausman) |
Teacher Quality: The Impact of Accreditation and Institutional
Quality on Teacher Inservice Placement and Student Achievement |
2008 |
Patricia C Watson (Björk) |
Principal Leadership: A Case Study of a District Leadership
Academy |
2007 |
Nathan Robert
Ambrose (Knoeppel/Logan) |
"Overcoming Barriers to Student
Achievement: A Cross-case Analysis of How High Poverty
Schools Become High Achieving Schools" |
2007 |
Janet Marlene
Ratliff (Björk) |
The Impact of Differentiated Compensation
on Special Education Teacher Retention in a Public School
District in North Central Kentucky |
2007 |
Kelly S Mullins (Browne-Ferrigno/Rinehart) |
Kentucky Community and Technical College System From Inception
to 2005 |
2007 |
Debra Plank
White (Rinehart/Björk) |
The Influence of High School Setting on
Kentucky Students Completing a Baccalaureate Degree |
2007 |
Bonnie Nicholson (Logan) |
Consolidation of a Coimmunity and Technical College |
2007 |
Lucinda T.
Sanders (Scollay) |
Not for Them: Women and the Public School
Superintendency |
2007 |
Rita J.
Prichett (Scollay/Tice) |
The Battle Between Promise and Privilege:
The History of women's basketball at the University of Kentucky
1972-2002 |
2006 |
Virginia Hess (Björk/Browne-Ferrigno) |
The Effects of Differentiated Compensation on Teacher Retention
in a Hard-to-Staff Urban Middle School |
2006 |
Barry Pelphry (Björk) |
A Case Study of Kentucky's First African American School
Superintendent |
2006 |
DeMattina (Logan) |
Student Perceptions of Online Learning as a
Delivery System for a Work-Related Continuing Education Course:
A Case Study |
2005 |
Michael Gam
(Scollay) |
Power, Politics and the Restructuring of
Higher Education Governance in Kentucky |
2005 |
Donna Kerley
(Rinehart) |
Exploring Connections Among Relational
Trust, Teacher Efficacy, and Student Achievement |
2005 |
Deborah Mapp-Embry
(Logan) |
| |
Teacher’s Sense of Efficiency and African
American Student Engagement: A Case Study of Classes in a
Selected Kentucky Middle School |
2005 |
Shoulders (Lindle) |
The Perceived Role of the Superintendent in
School Board Member Development |
2004 |
Brown (Scollay) |
The Nature of
Alternative School Programs in Kentucky: An Exploratory
Study |
2004 |
Susan Compton (Björk) |
Barriers to Women in the Superintendency in Kentucky |
2004 |
John D.
Dobbs (Rinehart) |
The Role of
Effective Schools Correlates Among Alternative Placement
Programs in the Prediction of Dropout Rates in Kentucky
Public High Schools |
2004 |
Susan Foust
McDonald (Lindle) |
Barriers to Women in the Superintendency in
Kentucky |
2003 |
Lana Lewis Bastin
(Lindle) |
Professional Development
and Teacher Learning Styles: Selected Kentucky Teachers' Perceptions
About School-based or State-Designed Professional
Development |
2003 |
Robert J. Bell
(Björk) |
The Relationship Between
the Politics of Superintendency - Board Relations and Professional
Socialization of Superintendents in Kentucky |
2003 |
Richard Elliott Day
(Scollay) |
Each Child, Every Child -
From Equity to Adequacy in Kentucky Schools: The Legacy of
the Council for Better Schools |
2003 |
Jone J. Goodman
Principals' Perspectives
on Interagency Collaboration |
2003 |
Karen Marie Heim-Baugh
(Björk) |
Case Study of Inter-institutional Collaboration in a Middle
School |
2002 |
Susan Foust McDonald
(Lindle) |
What Do Kentucky
Principals Do with State Mandated Assessment Results: A Multiple
Case Study of Three Elementary Schools in One District |
2002 |
Henley McIntosh
(Rinehart) |
Descriptive Profile of
Parental Involvement in Selected Kentucky Middle Schools |
2002 |
Jerry Wallace Ralston
(Rinehart) |
Adequacy and Equity of
Facility Funding for the Kentucky Public School System |
2002 |
Rodney Dean Grusy
(Logan) |
Precision Farming in
Kentucky: Evaluating Public and Private Sector Influence
on the Adoption Decision |
2002 |
John Mathew Mowbray
(Logan) |
Factors Affecting
Turnover of County Extension Agents in the University of Kentucky
Cooperative Extension Service |
2002 |
Barbara Herndon Vick
(Rinehart) |
Comparisons of Student
Achievement in Kentucky School Districts Allocating Minimum and
Above Minimum Levels of Instructional Funds During the Late Years
of Systemic Reform |
2001 |
Beth Shanks Rous
(Lindle) |
Instructional Leadership
in Kentucky Public Preschool Programs: Teacher Perceptions of
Leader Instructional Influence |
2001 |
Brenda Hauser
(Rinehart) |
Comparison of Principal Perceiver Themes Between Highly
Successful and Less Successful Principals in a Selection of
Public Elementary Schools in Kentucky |
2000 |
Abolfazl Gholamimehra
(Byers/Warner) |
An Assessment of factors
Affecting the Competency of Agricultural Mechanization Programs
and Teachers in the Islamic Republic of Iran |
2000 |
Doris Barlow
(Logan/Harris) |
Kentucky's Star
Professional Development Network: Perceptions of Effectiveness in
Improving Student Achievement in Low-Performing Schools in
1996-1997 |
2000 |
Lori Henderson
(Van Meter) |
The Development of an
Elementary School's Consolidated Plan for Improvement: A Case Study
of a Newly Established Kentucky School-Based Decision-Making
Committee Structure |
2000 |
Lonnie Laney
(Rinehart) |
Investigating Scores From
Students With Special Needs On The Outcome Of A Statewide
Accountability System: The Study Of One Rural Kentucky School
District |
2000 |
Sam Rich
(Lindle/Scollay) |
Teacher Job Satisfaction
as it Relates to School-Based Decision Making in Three
Western Kentucky Elementary Schools: Perceptions of a New Element in
Teaching |
2000 |
Margarita Rupp
(Van Meter) |
Expanding the Concept of
Effective Schools: Measuring the Instructional Environment
for Learning. |
2000 |
Alesa Walker
(Lindle) |
One School's Experience
with School-Based Decision Making: Perceptions of School
Climate |
1999 |
Arthetta Jane Browning
(Scollay / Rinehart) |
Questions of Equity:
Kentucky Authentic Assessment Reading and Mathematics Results
Compared by Sex and Location |
1999 |
Patricia Coon-Knochelmann
(Rinehart) |
Micropolitical Behaviors
of Principals in Rewarded and Sanctioned High Schools in the Reform
State of Kentucky |
1999 |
John T. Decker
(Scollay) |
An Examination of
Kentucky School Districts's Instructional Per Pupil Expenditures and
Academic Performance at the Eighth Grade Level in Mathematics
and Reading |
1999 |
Alvan Cordell Hadley, Jr.
(Van Meter) |
The Association of
Military Colleges and Schools of the United States (AMCSUS) and the
Struggle for the Survival of Military and Preparatory Schools
in America |
1999 |
Marian Siler Sumner
(Lindle) |
An 'Attitude Disability'
or a 'Pecular Bent of Genius?': An Exploratory Study of Selected
Kentucky Middle Schools' Discipline Policies and
Practices |
1999 |
Nancy Rebecca Waldrop
(Scollay) |
The Office of Education
Accountability: The Crucible of Kentucky Education Reform |
1999 |
Teresa Taylor Wallace
(Van Meter) |
Motivation Levels and
Factors Influencing the Motivation of Teachers in Differing
Circumstances of Teaching Based on Herzberg's
Motivator-Hygiene Theory |
1999 |
Zella Faye Wells
(Rinehart) |
Kentucky Intern
Principals and Assistant Principals: Job
Responsibilities and Work Differences |
1998 |
Ora J. Cobb
(Lindle) |
Analytic Approach for
Middle School Principals in Raising KIRIS Achievement Scores:
A Case Study of At-Risk Students Participating in Selected
Intervention Strategies |
1998 |
Terri J. Cox-Cruey
(Scollay) |
District Technology
Coordinators: Change Agents in Kentucky's Age of
Technology |
1998 |
Karen Patrice Frohoff
(Lindle) |
The Roles of Special
Education Administrators and Principals in Kentucky |
1998 |
Charlene Walters Jacobs (Harris) |
Effect of Age on
Motivation and Individual Motivation Factors of County Extension
Agents in Kentucky |
1998 |
Tony Thomas Ross
(Rinehart) |
Exploring Connections
among Teacher Empowerment, Teacher Efficacy, Transformational
Leadership, and Student Achievement |
1998 |
Crickette Elizabeth Todd
(Van Meter / Logan) |
Superintendency Turnover
in Kentucky in the Aftermath of Statewide Systemic Education
Reform |
1997 |
Mark Richard Brown
(Russo) |
School-Based Decision
Making and the Implementation of Instruction, Scheduling, and
Assessment Practices in Kentucky Middle Schools |
1997 |
Becke Joceil Cleaver
(Lindle) |
The Response of Two
Kentucky Urban School Districts' Central
Administrations to Imposed Systemic Reform
1997 |
Jackie A. Kearns
(Lindle) |
The Role of the
Elementary Principal in the Professional Development of Teachers:
A Multiple Case Study |
1997 |
Robert John Storer
(Van Meter) |
Characteristics of Public High School Principals in
School-Based and Non-School-Based Decision-Making Schools in
Kentucky: Exploring the Concept of Transformational
Leadership |
1997 |
Carolyn Wells
(Van Meter) |
Changes in the School
Superintendency in Kentucky in the Aftermath of Mandated Statewide
Education Reform: Perceptions of Role Incumbents |
1996 |
Kasundra D. Cyrus
(Harris) |
Family Resource and Youth
Service Center Coordinators: An Identification of Leadership
Roles |
1996 |
Dale D. Duvall
(Rinehart) |
School Districts' Per
Pupil Instructional Expenditures and Student Academic Performance
at the Fourth-Grade Level in Mathematics and Reading as Measured
By the Kentucky Instructional Results Information Assessment
Program |
1996 |
Patricia Kay Gilmore
(Van Meter) |
Evaluation of the Science
Component of the K-3 Partnership for Reform
Initiatives in Science and Mathematics in Kentucky |
1996 |
Cathy Sue Jording
(Rinehart / Johnson) |
Kentucky Primary
Programs: Principals' Beliefs About Early Childhood
Education and Selected Demographic Characteristics |
1996 |
Michael W. Kessinger (Rinehart) |
1996Districts Per Pupil
Instructional Expenditures and Academic Performance
at the Twelfth Grade Level in Reading and Mathematics as
Measured by the Kentucky Instructional Results Information System
Assessment Program |
1996 |
Bonnie M. Sigafus
(Scollay) |
The Complexity of
Professional Life: Experiences of Adult Students Pursuing a Distance
Learning Doctoral Program in Educational
Administration. |
1996 |
Wall (Rinehart) |
School-Based Decision Making and the Empowerment of
Kentucky's Secondary School Teachers. |
1996 |
Rosa Lee Weaver
(Van Meter) |
Innovation Propensity of
Teachers and their Acceptance and Implementation of
the Primary School Programs in Kentucky |
1995 |
J. Paige Carney
(Steffy) |
The Use of Effective
Change Characteristics in Implementing Kentucky's Primary Program:
A Case Study |
1995 |
George Joseph Gerl
(Van Meter / Scollay) |
Leadership Behavior and
School-Based Decision-Making Council Member Satisfaction in
Kentucky High Schools |
1995 |
Robert Stephen Hutton
(Scollay) |
Leadership Behavior and
School-Based Decision Making Council Member Satisfaction in
Kentucky Elementary Schools |
1995 |
Mary Margaret Kindel
(Van Meter) |
Computer Attitudes and
Use of Public Secondary School Teachers in
Kentucky |
1995 |
Carolyn Sue Martin (Van Meter) |
The Process of
School-Based Decision Making in Selected Kentucky High Schools
Operating with Mandated SBDM Councils |
1995 |
Cynthia Marie Mason
(Rinehart) |
An Examination of
Kentucky Public Secondary Teachers' Perceptions Toward Their 1994-95
Professional Development Experiences |
1995 |
Clifford Bernard Perkins,
Jr. (Lindle) |
Study of the Relationships of Gender, Ethnic Origin, and
Student Program Classification and Scores on the Battelle
Developmental Screening Inventory as They Relate to Preschool
Programs in Kentucky |
1995 |
John Cosby Settle
(Steffy) |
An Exploratory Case Study
of Professional Development and Other Critical Elements in the
Implementation of the Primary Program in Eight Kentucky Public
Elementary Schools |
1995 |
Sandra Fey Kestner
(English) |
Study of Selected Programmatic and Personal
Factors Associated with Reading and Math Achievement Scores of Adult
Basic Education Students in Kentucky |
1994 |
Ray Vaughn Read
(Van Meter) |
Principals' Perceptions of the Policy Development
Process of School Councils in Kentucky |
1994 |
David C. Schadler
(Scollay) |
Leadership Behavior and
School-Based Decision-Making Council Member Satisfaction in
Kentucky Middle Schools |
1993 |
Keen Johnson Babbage (Van
Meter) |
District Policies Establishing School-Based Decision-Making
in Selected Kentucky School Districts - Process, Procedures,
and Implementation |
1992 |
Fred Raymond Bassett (Van
Student Dropout Prediction: Examining School District and
Individual School Variations in Reference to a Common
Predictor Model |
1992 |
Pamela Rogers
The Perceptions of
Kentucky Elementary Teachers Serving on School Councils Regarding
Decision Making Authority of Teacher and School
Councils |
1992 |
Paul Arthur Weaver
(Van Meter) |
The Whitley County Story:
A Case Study of State Intervention into a Poor, Rural Appalachian
Kentucky County School District |
1991 |
Raul Fernando Lagos
A Comparative Study of the Personnel Evaluation
Standards of the Joint Committee on Standards for Education
Evaluation and the Standards Used in the State of Kentucky
and in Selected School Districts |
1991 |
Angela Wilkins
(Faber) |
Parenting and Family Life
Skills Education: A Study of the Legislative Mandate and
Model Curriculum Development in Kentucky |
1990 |
Marlene DoraEthel Helm
The Relationship of
Participation in Extracurricular Activities to Self- Concept and
Achievement Among Students in Junior High School in Fayette
County, Kentucky |
1990 |
Michael Leon Hicks
Comparative Study of Kentucky Teachers' Perceptions of Their
Freedom to Make Educational Decisions |
1990 |
Josephine Ann Orange (Van
Meter) |
Instructional Leadership
of Kentucky School Principals in Elementary Schools
of Various Effectiveness. |
1989 |
Victor Ballestero
(Ogletree) |
study of the relationship between teachers' perceptions of selected
school factors and student academic achievement in selected
elementary schools in Fayette County,
Kentucky |
1989 |
Helen Faye Harrah
Comparison of Locus of Control, Dogmatism, and
Receptivity to Change Among Elementary and Secondary School Teachers
in Three Designated Regions in the State of
Kentucky |
1989 |
Thomas Richard Mowery
Descriptive Study of the Extent of Kinship in
Kentuckys' Public Schools. |
1989 |
Molly Jane Sullivan
(Faber) |
Reasons Given by Parents
for Transferring Students from Public to Private
Schools in Fayette County, Kentucky. |
1989 |
Karla Marie Thompson (Van
Meter) |
An Evaluation of the
Provo City, Utah School Districts Elementary Writing Program:
Examining a Process Approach to Writing |
1988 |
Ricardo Almeida-Uranga
An Input-Output Study of
the Kentucky Education System
1988 |
Charles Anthony Guarino
Employment Status of
Mildly Handicapped Students Who Graduated from Vocational, Academic,
and Occupational Work Experience High School Education
Programs |
1988 |
Glenn Ronald Hickey
(Van Meter)
School Programs for
At-Risk Students: A Case Study of Project
Transition, a Kentucky Alternative In-School Program for
Eighth Grade Students. |
1988 |
Larry Eugene Kelsch
(Van Meter / Ogletree) |
Gender Difference
Treatment of Students in Vocational Education: An Examination
of Teacher-Student Interactions in Kentucky Secondary Vocational
Education Classrooms |
1988 |
William Jesse Lacefield
(Ogletree) |
Kentucky School Board
Members' Perceived Involvement in Policy-Formulation and
Policy-Implementation Relative to Selected Tasks |
1988 |
Michael Erwin Norman
Identification of Important Competencies for Special
Education Administrators and the Degree to Which Those
Competencies Were Addressed in Preservice
Training Programs as Perceived by Special Education |
1988 |
Michael Lee Wells
(Ogletree) |
The Relationships Between
Sixth Grade Students' Perceptions of Selected School
Factors and Their Academic Achievement in Selected Fayette
County, Kentucky Elementary Schools. |
1988 |
Marium Williams (Van
Early Childhood
Educational Intervention: An Analysis of Nicholas
County, Kentucky Head Start Program Impacts From
1974-1986. |
1987 |
Sally Ann Henry
(Ogletree) .
A Study of the Relationships Among Selected
Factors Affecting Kentucky Teachers' Instructional Technology Use in
the Elementary Classroom. |
1987 |
Norma Jean Wacaster
(Faber) |
Project Vision: A Study
of the Development of a School-Based Partnership at
the State Level |
1986 |
Meredith Kay Adler
Relationships Between
Labeled Emotionally Handicapped and Non-Labeled
Students in Perceptions of School Climate, Alienation,
Teacher-Student Relation- ships, and Opportunities for Participation
in Ext |
1986 |
Judy Lynn Archer (Faber)
The Staff Development
Needs of School Food and Nutrition Program Managers
in the State of Georgia. |
1986 |
Myron David Barnett
(Van Meter)
Kentucky Elementary and
Secondary Principals' Reactions to Performance-
Based Pay for Teachers |
1986 |
John H. Brock
Study of the Relationship of Pupil Achievement Test Scores to
Pupil Expenditures and Selected District Socio- economic
Variables |
1986 |
Franklin Lyles Foster
(Faber) |
Stress Perception Among
Kentucky Secondary School Principals. |
1986 |
Richard Hughes (Ogletree)
Study of the Relationship of School Climate,
Managerial System, Pupil Control Ideology, and Student Academic
Progress in Selected Kentucky Secondary Schools. |
1986 |
Susan Louise Leib
The Development of a Special Program Planning Paradigm and
Its Application to Three Special Programs Designed and
Implemented by the Kentucky Department of Education.
1986 |
Bernard Irvin Minnis
(Faber) |
An Analysis of Biracial Learning
Teams and Their Effect on Cross-Racial
Relationships. |
1986 |
William Glenn Smith
(Ogletree) |
Kentucky School Board
Members' Perceived Involvement in Policy-Determination and
Policy-Execution Relative to Selected Tasks. |
1985 |
Monita Laws (Faber)
Between Teacher Perceptions of Principal Leader Behavior and
Teacher Attitudes Toward Evaluation in Kentucky Public
Schools |
1985 |
Margaret McAuliffe (Faber) |
A Study of Perceptions of the Essential Task of Elementary
Principals as Reported by the Elementary Principals and
Central Office Staff Members of the Catholic Schools of the
Archdiocese of Louisville
1985 |
Stanton Anthony Simandle
(Faber) |
Teacher Pupil Control
Ideology as a Predictor of the Responsiblity Teachers Assume
for Student Academic Success and Failure. |
1984 |
Sherrill Boggs (Faber)
Analysis of the Cost-Quality Relationships in Selected
Elementary Schools in Kentucky |
1984 |
Carol Deen (Faber)
Compatability of
Vocational Preferences and Volunteer Placement as a Factor in
Volunteer Job Satisfaction. |
1984 |
Nak Jin Moon (Faber)
An Analysis of Problems
in Participatory Decision-Making by Elementary School
Teachers. |
1984 |
Eve Proffitt (Ogletree)
Involvement and Perceptions of Schools |
1984 |
Kathy Smoot (Faber) |
A Study of the Leadership Behavior of Florida Extension
Administrators |
1984 |
Ronald John Snavely
(Faber) |
Performance Appraisal of
Public School Superintendents: A Survey of Current Evaluation
Practices in the United States |
1983 |
Leo Floyd
(Faber) |
The Impact of Busing on
Student Achievement. |
1983 |
Ralph Waldo Nevels
(Ogletree) |
The Relationship Between
Teacher Professionalism and Job Satisfaction. |
1983 |
Rita Carole Price
(Faber) |
The Relationship Between
Education Level of Superintendents and Their Leadership
Behavior. |
1982 |
David Barrow Jenks
Study of the Adoption of a State Mandated Citizenship
Education Course in Kentucky by the State Board of Elementary
and Secondary Education in 1979. |
1982 |
Ben Richard Oldham
(Ogletree) |
The Longitudinal Effects
of Pupil Retention Practices in the First Three Grades. |
1982 |
Ronald Stephen Pelfrey
(Ogletree) |
Factors Influencing High
Ability Students in Fayette County to Pursue Four Years of
Mathematics. |
1980 |
Donald Lee Martin, Jr.
The Relationship Between
Certain Family, Personal, and Other Characteristics of Drop-Outs
in Kentucky Public Schools. |
1980 |
Garnet Worthington
(Faber) |
Study of the Perception
of the School Superintendent's Role Expectations. |
1979 |
Gayle Ecton
History of the Lincoln School, Simpsonville, Kentucky
1966-70 |
1979 |
Francine Dawn Edwards
Model of the Information Flow in Which the
Principal is the Central Figure. |
1979 |
Paul Wesley McNeill
(Faber) |
School Desegregation in
South Carolina 1963-70 |
1979 |
Sharon Imogen Robinson
(Faber) |
An Analysis of Administrator Discretion and Its Impact on
Black Student Suspensions. |
1978 |
Dana Frank Beane
History of Efforts by the Kentucky Education Association
Toward Passage of a Professional Negotiations Law in the
Kentucky General Assembly, 1968-76. |
1978 |
Louis Henry Polsgrove
(Kincheloe) |
An Analysis of the
Administrative Procedures and Informational Items Utilized in the
Selection of Kentucky Teachers.
1978 |
Jude Thaddeus Sorapuru
The Leader Behavior of
Inner City and Outer City Senior High School Principals:
Expectations and Perceptions of Teachers, Principals and
Parents in New Orleans. |
1978 |
Stephen Woods Towler
(Kincheloe) |
The Disequalization
Effects and Subsequent Equalization Potential of the Three
Permissive Non-Property Taxes in Kentucky. |
1977 |
Norman Dean Osborne (Ogletree) |
Study of the Relationship of Suspended and Non-Susp. H. S.
Stds. in Terms of Std. Perceptions of Sch. Climate,
Alienation, Std. Deviant Behavior, Teacher-Student
Relationships, and the Extent of Vol |
1976 |
Shelley Ann Cohen
Technique for Analyzing the Training Needs of Staff Members
in an Alternative Program. |
1976 |
Joel Peter Henning
The Levenswelt as
Explicated by Phenomenologists as a Base for Development of a Theory
of Educational Administration. |
1976 |
Martha Louise Redden
An Investigation of Mainstreaming Competencies of Regular
Education Teachers. |
1976 |
Booker Taliaferro Rice
The Revision and Extension of a Cost- Effectiveness Model and
Its Application. |
1976 |
Lowell Kendrick Scott
(Kincheloe) |
The Charismization of
Routine: A Study of the Relationship Between Tenure and the
Charismatic Authority of Kentucky Public School
Superintendents |
1976 |
John Marshall Thompson
(Faber) |
School Desegregation in Jefferson County Schools. |
1975 |
James A. Barber
Study of Changes in the Building Principal's Leader Behavior
as Perceived by Superordinates, Subordinates, and Selves that
Result from Instructional Planning, Monitoring and Feedback
Processes. |
1975 |
C. Michael M. Brooks
The Financial Feasibility
of a State Insurance Fund for Kentucky's Public Schools. |
1975 |
Billy Hugh Chandler
Survey and Analysis of Kentucky Public School Principals'
Perceptions of Crucial Professional Negotiation
Issues. |
1975 |
Lawrence Daniel Patterson
Survey and Analysis of Kentucky Principals' Preferred Role in
Professional Negotiations. |
1975 |
Joong Shik Shin (Faber)
Study of the Relationships Among the Principals' Leadership
Style, Teachers' Need-Orientation, and the Degree of
Teachers' Satisfaction with Their Principal's Job
Performance. |
1974 |
Carl Banks
Perceptions of the
Secondary School Held by Higher and Lower-Income Students and
Teachers in Selected Schools in Eastern Kentucky. |
1974 |
Jesse Keen Cabler
(Faber) |
The Task of the
Kindergarten: Goal Perceptions, Teachers, and Parents of Kentucky's
100 Pilot Kindergarten Units. |
1974 |
Faurest Earl Coogle
Instructional Freedom and
the Influence of Organizational Characteristics as Perceived
by Teachers in Kentucky Sec- ondary Schools. |
1974 |
L. Marie Doyle
(Faber) |
The Public School Merger
Issue in Jefferson County Kentucky. |
1974 |
James Raymond Harper
(Ogletree) |
An Analysis of the
Orientation of Teachers, Principals, and Superinten- dents in the
Public Schools of Kentucky. |
1974 |
Billie Wayne Rideout
(Ogletree) |
Study of the Relationship of Size of High Schools. |
1973 |
Roland Charles Haun
(Kincheloe) |
Organizational Factors
Related to Positions on Collective Negotiation Taken by Chairmen
of Local School Boards and Presidents of Local Education
Associations. |
1972 |
Kenneth Nelson Kron
(Faber) |
Culture Shock and the
Transfer Teacher |
1972 |
John Henry Vansant
(Ogletree) |
Perceptions of the
Secondary School Held by Higher and Lower-Income Students and
Teachers in Selected Schools in Eastern Kentucky |
1971 |
James Verner Bolen
(Ogletree) |
The Relationship Between
Schools with Self-Induced Educational Innovations and Schools with
Externally Introduced Educational Innovation with Regard to
Organization Climate |
1971 |
Sam Brown, Jr.
(Ogletree) |
Democratic Management:
Implications for Local School Administration in Educational
Planning |
1971 |
Robert Norris Cocanougher
(Street) |
The Relationship Between
Teacher Militancy and Career Patterns of Teachers |
1971 |
Albert J. Hauselman
(Ogletree) |
Personality and the
Choice of Undergraduate Major: A Test of Holland's Theory. |
1971 |
Marcus Ray Kelly
(Ogletree) |
Pupil Tutoring in Reading
of Low- Achieving Second Grade Pupils by Low-Achieving Fourth
Grade Pupils |
1971 |
Hall M. Kinney (Ogletree)
Perceptions of Citizen
School Study Committees |
1971 |
Bruce Alvin Peseau
An Assessment of the Quality of Quick Quantitative Judgements
Among Educational Finance Specialists |
1971 |
Everett Earl Pfansteil
(Ogletree) |
Discriminant Analysis of the Orientation of Principals and
Teachers in Changing and Stable
Schools. |
1971 |
Leonard Donald Ralph
Study of the Effects of an In-Service Involvement on Selected
Characteristics of Teachers. |
1971 |
Roy Vance Ramage
(Street) |
The Organizational
Identification of a State's Public School Administrator in Relation
to Selected Personal Variables and to Selected Organizational
Variables. |
1970 |
Reedus D. Back (Ogletree)
The Relationship of
Selected Administrator and School Factors to Change in the
Schools. |
1970 |
Willard David Bostwick
(Cierley) |
The Coopertive Education
Coordinator in American Institutions of Higher Education: A Proposed
Guideline for Academic Preparation. |
1970 |
Walter Marcum (Kincheloe)
Study of Pre-Student Teaching Professional Laboratory
Experiences at a Southern University. |
1970 |
George Clark Overstreet
A Study of Teacher Characteristics in Changing and Stable
Schools. |
1970 |
Julius C. Powell
(Kincheloe) |
Means Used in Selecting States to Finance Plant Expansion of
Public Higher Education Academic and Service
Facilities |
1970 |
Gerald Lee Varland
(Kincheloe) |
Assessibility of the
Public Schools in Kentucky for Research Purposes. |
1970 |
Hayes Edward Wilcox
(Kincheloe) |
The Relationship of
Financial, Personnel, and Attitudinal Variables to Negotiated
Agreement Items in Twelve Public School Districts in
Michigan. |
1969 |
Russell Bowen, Jr.
(Ogletree) |
Comparative Analysis of the Perceptions of the Role and
Functions of Counselors, Directors of Pupil Personnel, and
Social Workers, Held by Principals, Teachers, and Pupil
Personnel Specialists in Secondary Schools. |
1969 |
Seth Farley
(Street) |
The Administration of
Pupil Personnel Services: A Model Development and Its Applications
to Kentucky Schools. |
1969 |
Joseph Donlan Gormley
(Kincheloe) |
Dogmatism and Change in
Teachers. |
1969 |
Edward Napier (Ogletree) |
Relationship of Origin and Tenure of Superintendent to the
Organizational Climate of Selected School Districts in
Kentucky. |
1969 |
Ronnie Nevil Sutton (Street) |
A Comparative Study of the Adademic Performance of University
of Kentucky Community College Transfer and Native Students
Initially Matched on Six Characteristics. |
1969 |
Joseph Wise
(Kincheloe) |
The Normative Role of the
Classroom Teacher. |
1968 |
Charles William
Burkett (Ogletree) |
Kentucky School
Administrators as Innovators. |
1968 |
Morris Klair Caudill
(Cierley) |
Superintendents' and
School Board Members' Conceptions of Restrictions on Selected
Federal Aid Programs for Public Schools in
Kentucky. |
1968 |
Ernest Ray White, Jr (Kincheloe) . |
Comparative Analysis of the Administrative Structures and
Operation of Educational Cooperatives. |
1967 |
Ray Alexander, Jr.
(Cierley) |
Study of the Organizational Patterns and Operational
Procedures of the Student Teaching Programs in
Kentucky. |
1967 |
Leonard Edsel Burkett
(Ogletree) |
An Analysis of the
Conditions and Practices of Kentucky Boards of Education in Relation
to Certain School District Factors. |
1967 |
Arthur Leon Cotterill
(Ogletree) |
Administrative Practices
and Student Dropouts in Selected Kentucky School
Districts. |
1967 |
Billy Kenneth Gordon
(Kincheloe) |
Dogmatism, Philosophy,
and Leader Behavior of School Administrators. |
1967 |
William Nelson
Pafford (Cierley) |
Relationships Between
Innovation and Selected School Factors. |
1967 |
Samuel Sears, Jr. (Ogletree) |
The Relationship Between
Teacher Dogmatism and Philosophical Orientation and Selected Teacher
and District Characteristics. |
1967 |
Murrell Presley
Stewart (Ogletree) |
Teacher Participation in
the Administration of Four Eastern Kentucky School
Districts. |
1967 |
Barbara F. Tea (Cierley) |
Comparative Study of Certain Characteristics of Graduates Who
Began the Professional Education Sequence at the Lower
Division Level with Those Who Began at the Upper Division
Level. |
1966 |
Thomas P. Collins (Cierley) |
Study of the Freshman Composition Program at the University
of Kentucky and Six of Its Affiliated Community
Colleges. |
1966 |
P. David Landers Evans (Cierley) |
Study of the Desirability, Use and Helpfulness of Certain
Selected Orientation Practices in Selected and Private
Schools. |
1966 |
Claude P. Frady (Cierley) |
Profile of the Kentucky
Public Senior High School Principal. |
1966 |
Ottis Murphy
(Street) |
Comparison of Certain Social Characteristics of Accepted and
Rejected Referrals for Vocational Rehabilitation
Services. |
1966 |
Ozias Pearson
(Cierley) |
Effects of Group Guidance
Upon College Adjustment. |
1966 |
John Haub Pollock (Cierley) |
Variations in Perceptions
of Educational Issues Among Administrators, Supervisors, and
Teachers. |
1966 |
Richard Monroe Sellers (Ogletree) |
Study of Organization Patterns and Administrative Practices
in Physical Plant Development in Selected Institutions of
Higher Learning. |
1966 |
Lee Allen Torrence
(Sorenson) |
Study of Factors Associated with Negro Teachers' Attitudes
and Opinions Toward Faculty Desegregation. |
1966 |
David B. Watts
(Cierley) |
Study of Social Characteristics Affecing Certain
Over-Achieving and Under- Achieving Rural High School Senior
Boys as Compared to Their Urban Counterparts. |
1965 |
Keith E. Davis
(Cierley) |
Study of Train Pattern Affecting the Academic Performance of
Forty Selected High School Subjects in Fayette County,
Kentucky. |
1965 |
Drewey Meece, Jr.
(Ogletree) |
Study of Relationship Between Certain Personal and
Professional Variables and Time Spent in Lesson Preparation
by Kentucky Teachers. |
1965 |
Eddie W. Morris
(Ginger) |
Factors Related to
Faculty Desegregation in Public Schools. |
1964 |
William Taylor
Simpson (Ginger) |
Comparative Study of Certain Characteristics of Selected
Under-Progressing and Over-Progressing Boys in Five Kentucky
High Schools. |
1964 |
Robert Clay Needham
(Street) |
Comparative Study of the Acadamic Adjustment and Success of
Native and Two-Year Transfer Students in the Senior Colleges
of Kentucky. |
1963 |
Charles R. Berryman
(Cierley) |
Attitude Toward
Democratic Teaching and Democratic Performance of Student Teachers
Under Various Placement Condititons. |
1963 |
Robert Newman Grise
(Street) |
The English Teacher in
Kentucky: A Study of the Academic and Professional Preparation
of Public High School Teachers of English in Kentucky. |
1963 |
James H. Powell
(Meece) |
Study of the Factors Involved in the Failure and Subsequent
Success of a Noted Tax for School Buildings in Five Selected
Counties in Kentucky. |
1963 |
Sidney Ray Simandle
(Ginger) |
A Cooperative Effort to Improve the Selective Admission and
Retention of Teacher Candidates in a State. |
1962 |
Thomas J. Norris
(Cierley) |
A Procedure for Determining Junior College
Curricula. |
1962 |
Charles Leland Smith (Cierley) |
Significant Differences
Between High- Ability Achieving and Non-Achieving College Freshman
as Revealed by Inter- view Data. |
1961 |
Fred Edmonds
(Meece) |
Study of the Competencies of General Supervision and an
Assessment of the Supervisor Preparation Programs in Five
Kentucky Colleges in Terms of Competency Development.
1961 |
John Thomas Smith
(Meece) |
Programs of Preparation
for School Administration in Negro Graduate Schools. |
1960 |
Frank D. Bean
The Interrelationships of Organized Subsystems and Certain
Other Community Subsystems in Five Communities in Kentucky
with Implications for Educational Administration. |
1960 |
Robert L. Goodpaster
(Meece) |
A Study of Policies and Procedures for Determining Salaries
and Promotions in Rank for the College of Arts and Sciences,
University of Kentucky. |
1960 |
Horace Edward Tate
(Eckel) |
Some Characteristics and
Perceptions of the Negro Undergraduate at the University of
Kentucky. |
1959 |
John E. Barrows
(Meece) |
Southern Education
Foundation: The Role of Philanthropy in Education. |
1959 |
Fred Anton Bunger
(Meece) |
The Influence of Certain
Cultural Forces Upon the Academic Success of First- Semester
Freshman at the University of Kentucky. |
1959 |
Joseph T. Conforti
(Meece) |
The Influence of Certain
Cultural Forces Upon the Academic Success of First- Semester
Freshman at the University of Kentucky. |
1959 |
Clyde L. Orr
(Albright) |
An Analytical Study of
the Conference of Presidents of Negro Land-Grant Colleges.
1958 |
Russell Renz
(Albright) |
Self-Directed Learning for Educational Leadership. |
1958 |
Frank H. Stallings
(Albright) |
Study of the Effects of Integration on Scholastic Achievement
in the Louisville Public Schools. |
1957 |
Charles Ambrose
(Meece) |
Work of the Visiting
Teacher in the Schools of Louisville, Kentucky. |
1957 |
Wilbur Tincher, Jr.
(Albright) |
An Evaluative Study of
the Personnel Policies and Practices in the Public Institutions
of Higher Education in Tennessee. |
1956 |
James Bernard Graham
(Eckel) |
Factors Involved in the
Decision-Making Process on Local Issues in Five Selected
Communities of Kentucky with Implications for Educational
Administration. |
1956 |
George Hopkins
(Eckel) |
The Critical Requirements
for Services of State Departments of Education as Reported by
Local School Administrators |
1956 |
Pat Waterfield Wear
(Dickey) |
The Secondary School in
Kentucky as Revealed by the Use of the Evaluative Criteria.
1955 |
Palmer L. Hall
(Eckel) |
Comparison of the Social Standing and Leadership Importance
of the Leaders in Five Selected Communities with Implications
for Educational Administration. |
1953 |
Stanley E. Hecker
(Eckel) |
Study of Early School Leavers in Kentucky. |
1952 |
John Henry Boyd
(Hopper) |
Proposed Foundation Program for Distributing State School
Funds to the Local School Systems in Kentucky. |
1951 |
Raymond Dudley
Johnson (Hopper)
The Role of the School in
the Community. |
1951 |
Robert Lee Mills
(Meece) |
Method of Measuring the Financial Ability of Kentucky School
Districts to Support an Educational Program. |
1951 |
Clarence T. Sharpton
(Hopper) |
The Role of the State Department of Education in the Public
School Guidance Program. |
1950 |
Adron Doran
(Meece) |
The Work of the Council on Public Higher Education in
Kentucky |
1950 |
Lyman Vernon Ginger
(Hartford) |
Study of the Elementary School Principalship in Kentucky.
1950 |
Chester Coleman
Travelstead (Meece)
Adult Education in
Kentucky. |
1949 |
Harold P. Adams
(Cherry) |
An Approach to the
Development of a Program in In-Service Education for Public School
Superintendents in Kentucky. |
1947 |
Frank Graves Dickey
Developing a Program of
Supervision for Kentucky. |
1943 |
George Robert Boyd
(Seay) |
The Construction of an Instrument for Measuring Attitudes
Toward Desirable Food Practices. |
1940 |
Charles C. Graham
(Adams) |
The Teaching of General
Science |
1940 |
Presley M. Grise
(Ligon) |
Study of the Relationships of Written Compositional Ability
of High-School Graduates |
1939 |
Luther Martin Ambrose
(Ligon) |
The County Academy System
in Kentucky |
1938 |
Ephriam Meece (Chamberlain) |
Education in Kentucky |