Algebra Homework Help -- People's Math!

Algebra, math homework solvers, lessons and free tutors online.Pre-algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Physics. Our FREE tutors create solvers with work shown, write algebra lessons, help you solve your homework problems. Interactive solvers for algebra word problems. Ask questions on our question board. Created by the people. Can you help?
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Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry: homework help by free math tutors, solvers, lessons. Each section has solvers (calculators), lessons, and a place where you cansubmit your problem to our free math tutors. To ask a question, go to a section to the right and select "Ask Free Tutors". Most sections have archives with hundreds of problems solved by the tutors. Lessons and solvers have all been submitted by our contributors!



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Word (Story) Problems
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Algebra Worksheets at   Over 600 Algebra Word Problems, Algebra Number Puzzles, Exponents, Polynomials, Radical Numbers, Factoring, Complex Numbers.
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Math Formula to Pictures : Type in a formula, get a nice JPEG picture for your website!
Abstract Algebra: Groups, Fields, Rings...
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 May 18: You can write functions like "sine squared" in solutions
You can now plot functions like "sine squared", for example

 May 15: I quit my job to do FULL TIME.
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